
BIM optimises building planning - first digitally, then in real life

BIM stands for Building Information Modelling, and is the modern digital working method for the integrated planning, optimisation, creation and management of buildings. BIM models consist of BIM objects, the digital equivalent of real construction products. GEZE makes adjustable BIM door objects available for free, to provide greater planning security which requires less effort.

BIM makes construction projects cheaper and more efficient

Complex construction projects are cheaper and more efficient with BIM.

Complex construction projects are cheaper and more efficient with BIM.

Do you have cost explosions and deadline problems? Seemingly unavoidable with large construction projects such as the new Berlin Airport or the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie concert hall, this seems to be impossible to avoid. And even smaller buildings cannot escape this issue. But public sector clients in particular have high hopes for better things in future by opting for new planning processes and tools: the Building Information Modelling (BIM) planning method is designed to improve the planning and control of construction projects.

In classic construction planning, plans are drawn up in several stages, sent to the authorities, and then revised once more. Creating cost calculations and coordinating individual trade processes on the construction site are also key tasks. But with building projects becoming increasingly complex, these processes often don’t run smoothly., because There are numerous interdependent links and changing relations which need to be continuously taken into account.

Integrated planning with BIM

BIM, or building data modelling, connects everyone involved on one platform and reduces the number of coordination steps. BIM represents a new integrated and digital building planning system which can be seen as a gigantic database. As part of this, all of the objects which are specific to the building (for example masonry, doors, windows, etc. as well as building technology) are digitally recorded, combined and networked in a unique 3D model on which all participants work.

The database also contains all relevant information about the materials and their life span, sound permeability or fire protection and, most importantly, costs.

Buildings can thus be designed, modelled, optimised and simulated with the help of BIM. The aim is to implement construction projects more cheaply and simply, and with fewer delays. Additionally, models are not only used for construction: they also make subsequent operation safer, more comfortable and more efficient.

Our BIM expert Günther Weizenhöfer in an interview on "Building planning with BIM"

High planning quality

The key advantage of BIM is that all participants - architects and planners, general contractors and builders/operators - can virtually inspect the construction project as a model in the planning phase. Errors and inconsistencies can be identified and quickly be amended at the model stage, which means that the quality, and more importantly the safety, of the planning are greatly improved. Additionally, construction companies can select materials and contractors at an early stage based on the information and proposals stored in BIM.

Use of BIM is gaining ground for public sector construction projects in Europe

The UK, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland and Norway also prescribe the use of BIM for publicly funded construction projects. In Germany, the Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) wants to use BIM for all new planning projects from 2020.

Advantages of virtual construction with BIM

  • Better exchange of information among all stakeholders
  • Increased productivity
  • Earlier error detection and rectification
  • Greater planning and cost security

BIM objects increase planning security and reduce error rates

Digital building models are the core element of the BIM method. These consist of individual BIM objects, i.e. the digital equivalent of real construction products. They are based on structured data which enable product comparisons, for example dimensions, weights, technical product information and manufacturer data such as available variants, order dates, prices, delivery times, installation or maintenance information, etc.

If BIM objects are built into BIM building models, this simplifies the invitation for tenders, cost estimation, calculation and simulation in the planning phase. In the execution phase, this supports ordering, delivery, execution itself and assembly. What's more, it simplifies building management in the operation phase.

BIM objects can rationalise work processes, minimise sources of error and ensure increasing digitalisation in construction.

Günther Weizenhöfer, Architect and Team Leader of Planning Seminars at GEZE

Design and deliver construction projects quickly and securely using BIM door objects

All the doors in a building can be planned extremely easily using GEZE BIM objects. In contrast to many other providers, GEZE always offers a whole door as a BIM object, so that the door can be considered with all its components. These multifunctional doors can be used to depict all swing doors, sliding doors and revolving doors. The GEZE BIM objects are free of charge for Autodesk Revit, Graphisoft Archicad and Nemetschek Allplan.

Learn more about BIM Door Objects and download them

BIM Glossary

A common information base is necessary so that all project participants can work with BIM effectively. Building Information Modeling thrives on a transparent, shared knowledge platform. Here you will find the most important BIM terms, so that you will be able to start a successful cooperation. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team of experts.

Easy planning with BIM

  • Contact and interaction with specialists is part of the complete GEZE BIM solution.
  • GEZE not only offer 3D projects, but also a solution for designers within the BIM process.
  • Architects will be increasingly obliged to use BIM for publicly funded buildings in the future.

BIM objects support installation companies and workers

With BIM planning, installation companies and engineers can be sure that everything has been properly thought through and there will be no surprises.

  • Significantly increased and cross-trade planning security
  • Errors in communication between different trades can be avoided.

BIM objects from GEZE minimise service times and expense

  • Provision of BIM door objects is a GEZE service for planners and architects that work with BIM.
  • Planning is more comprehensive and better thought through with GEZE BIM objects, results in reduced service times and expense for operators.